Be Careful

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.

Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.

Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.

Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.

Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.


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Welcome to Would Jesus Go There

WOULD JESUS GO THERE (WJGT) is a ministry operating under the umbrella of The Higher Ground Trust, a not for profit trust that has been specifically established to develop and grow WOULD JESUS GO THERE into a global movement for promoting holiness to all Christians and from all denominations.

The primary goals of Would Jesus Go There is to promote an internet code of conduct to combat the many dangers the internet poses to Christians and non-Christians alike. It is to inspire Christians to be all that they can be in God and overcome in all areas of life. It is to challenge and inspire the Kings Kids to reach their full potential in all areas of Godly and human endeavour. We demonstrate how we can stay free, and/or, how to be set free from unhealthy habits, addictions, and baggage from our past that would prevent us from being the person we would like to be in Christ. It is also to equip Christians to become an effective and powerful influence in reaching a lost world for Christ.

Our passion is to make the internet a safer place to navigate, by providing insights into how to keep ourselves safe while online, and to provide assistance and advice to those who may have become involved in addictive and destructive internet activities or other addictive behaviour.

Our message is written and delivered in love, and without any sense of judgement or condemnation. It is to build up, to encourage, to inspire, and is based on solid bible principles. It is to provide practical advice and ideas on how to navigate the internet in safety, to navigate our way through life in general, and to walk and live close to God and in the centre of His will.

As you navigate your way through this website, our prayer is that it will provide you with some answers, tools and inspiration to realise your full potential in God.

If you are not a Christian and have visited Would Jesus Go There to see what it is all about, we have pages and topics of interest for you also.  Pages that will provide answers about who God is, why He made us, why we need Him, how you can know Him personally, how God can provide you with a deep sense of meaning and purpose for life, and in doing so, give you an absolute assurance of eternal life when our time on earth is done.  (See these pages in the ABOUT GOD tab above).
